Thursday, November 22, 2007

Politics, Leaders and Loyality

Some times during the journey of life we meet people we genuinely like and yet do not understand why. In politics the art of manipulation is taken to the extreme as the parties and their personnel attempt to shape the voters psyche and as such it is sometimes difficult to discern truth from perception. I am an idealist and believe in the fundamental good of mankind sure I have been let down in my life but I remain of this opinion more stronger than ever. I have been aware of these views and the fickle nature of people since my first election at the age of 16 and although I am leery of people I meet solely through the political process I also know people are good and positive. Every now and then I get a real pick me up where my instincts and undying belief in people turns out to be true. This can be said of my sincere appreciation, admiration and respect for Sharon MacArthur. She has done "yeoman's duty" and taken the "captains lead" on trying to keep the Liberal cause and Liberal party organization alive and well in Manitoba. She continues to serve as President and has done a great job amidst many odds and even more detractors "hell bent" on usurping her presidency. She is not the easy going and bubbly effervescence that Bobbi Ethier, she is not the intellectual presence John Scurfield was, she is not the consummate meeter and greeter that Avis Gray was and she is not the political junkie that Tim Ryan was but and this is a big BUT she is an honest, authentic, sincere Liberal who ONLY wants the best for the Liberal party and our centrist cause and whom is willing to do ALL that she can to support that. She has a little of all those presidencies I mentioned and a little more of the rural work ethic that keeps her going 24/7 - 365.

On a personal note I had discussed the possibility of running for President of the LPCM and had a great team assembled to run a dynamic and refreshing campaign but at the end of the day my team felt it may not be my time - I agreed. For my part I seek counsel from those I respect and my team is right. In the meantime the Liberal movement is alive as I have seen this by helping out in Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario Provincial Elections in the last 12 months. I have done pretty much everything within the Liberal Bureaucracy from riding executive positions to provincial executive to assistant in Ottawa to AGM Chair and national campaign and enjoy working with people of like mind and spirit. I also realize that for an organization to grow and evolve the players need to change through a strong foundation of success.

For the next president of the LPCM we may need to move to a different path but NOT at the expense of loosing any ground with the foundation on what remains from a once vibrant 20,000 membership. Your guess is as well as mine as to who can do that and how we as a party get this done.

I do know without an election I would be of the opinion to "break" Sharon's arm and ask her to stay on for another term. She has a done a fabulous job !!!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Forest Processing Industry Crisis - NWO in dire straits !!!

Whomever does not think that our Canadian economy is subservient to the American only needs to look at the layoffs and catastrophe the high Canadian dollar is playing on Northwestern Ontario. Buchanan Forest Products the second biggest employer on the land of "milk and honey" (NWO Region -Kenora to Marathon) has to pretty much pay off its entire workforce. I am not an advocate of state interventionism in the economy but the Federal Government needs to help the company, a family owned business, traverse the next 6- 8 months. I would advocate a stronger position at the NAFTA table including a more aggressive attempt to recoup the 4.5 billion dollars American Companies "took" from us in a tariff war of the 90's AND some band aid Human Resources dollars to the affected employees and their families in the 6-8 months.
The bigger question is will the Reform/Alliance/CPC do something or stick to their "watching form the cheap seats" strategy. If Joe Commuzzi is the guy to change the situation and his letter to the Prime Minister (Fridays Thunder Bay Chronicle Journal) is the big move - NWO is in trouble.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Go Ryan Go !!! Saskatoon Northwest Coming Liberal !!

Further to my post of August 7 th the Liberal Campaign Saskatoon Northwest is picking up steam and our candidate Ryan Androsoff is doing very well. An energetic team seasoned with some strong advice and supporters Ryan is keeping the drive alive and hitting the doors continually. I myself will be going out next weekend to help knock on doors and share the Liberal message of hope and optimism with Saskatoon Northwest voters. I am pumped and energized by the team and the real opportunity for change for Saskatchewan with the Saskatchewan Liberal Party. If any one of my blogsphere Liberal friends wants to help out say the word and I will help facilitate.
Ryan has significant experience working for the party at the national level,organizing provincially and federally and global experience with working with the World bank. I for one am very positive on his chances for taking the riding once again for the Liberals. As a point of interest "back in the day"early 90's Karen Taraska - Alcock, Rob Kaddas, Mike Sangster and I all helped door knock in parts of the same riding for Lynda Haverstock (sp?) Had fun then and she won hope to help in the same way this time around !!
Go Ryan Go Ryan !!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Are we listening to Canadians or a Weak Caucus bent on staying in a job?

Is the Liberal Party of Canada listening to ALL 32 million Canadians from coast to coast? Are simply giving power to 100 plus MP's who want to keep their job? Are we listening to the concerns and problems of the 2000 Northern Ontarians whom have lost their job in the Forest Industry? Are we listening to the Farmers who want a strong and united single desk to sell our wheat? Are we listening to the First Nations of Canada and their dire emergency in health, education and infrastructure? Are we listening to the Child Care system its workers and users who need a National Program and standards? and finally are we listening to the lifeblood of the Canadian Economy the hundreds of thousands Small, Medium and Large Business Enterprises whom are in crisis in dealing with the high dollar and its loss of jobs to the USA?
The Reform/Alliance/CPC Harperites as established in the Throne Speech ARE NOT and sadly the Liberal Party of Canada has joined them.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Pull the plug whether we want to or not !!!

Our Liberal Leader must enlist all the political will he has left, direct Caucus and pull the plug on this self effacing and ignorant Government. The Reform/Alliance/CPC has done nothing to move the Environmental Agenda forward, nothing to provide a new beginning for First Nations community of Canada, absolutely nothing on the Forest Processing Crisis, Nil on the Wheat Board and protecting the farmers of our country, little to absolutely nothing on Child Care and has even thrown salt in the wounds of Social Union Activists all over again. The Reform/Alliance/CPC are simply ducking and weaving and wanting to stay in power and not govern responsibly. The Liberal Party of Canada the ONLY party interested in helping fight child poverty, creating a child care system that works and improving our high dollar condition in relation to the U.S.A. MUST stand up and send a clear message to Canadians. No running for the hills , no "loosey-goosey" academic assertions - a clear, well thought out political action plan and stand up and VOTE AGAINST this abysmal approach to the 21st century Canadian electorate!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

183 of 307? Whas Up?

183 of 307 ..Well that is the total as we head into a Throne Speech Showdown with the BQ threatening an election because they need some focus and where are we? We have lost Outremount and are loosing momentum from a truly monumental leadership process where the Leader came from the people and not pundits - a new leader with new ideas and a real vision for a Canada of tomorrow. Here in Manitoba we are about to loose a great candidate in Selkirk and we need to find ones for Transcona, Brandon and Portage and quite possibly Churchill if what they tell about Tina Keeper being offered a sweet new job is right.
here is my wish list for the ingredients we need to find in a person to be or become a good Liberal Federal Candidate
1) someone prepared to "fight the good and honourable fight" no mud slinging or smear tactics but a person of ideas and integrity and a work ethic to apply ABSOLUTELY no "princesses",
2) someone to carry our the three pillars to the electorate and capable of adhering to party discipline and constituents rights
3) someone to renew Canadians faith in our liberal "reform from within" cause by being a genuine and compassionate Canadian capable of forgiving and persevering
4) most importantly someone to bring Liberal Volunteers out of seclusion , inspire our base of tried and true Grits and bring 'em back into the Political Arena of Post Gomery.

We have a lot of new age liberal voices which need to be heard ...voices like Justin Trudeau in Quebec, Martha Hall Findlay and Gerrard Kennedy in Ontario and Christy Clarke and Joyce Murray in BC.
Lets us create a long term relationship with Canadians and lets do it sooner rather than later!!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Zest for Power

The recent fine of 750,000 and 1 draft pick to the New England Patriots of the NFL brings to mind one phrase - zest for power! The fact that their Head Coach one of the cunningest coaches ever has done something that is widely accepted as common practise is rather disconcerting. Have we sunk that low that we have to break the rules to win? Is there no "arena of integrity" which dictates we must apply ourselves to a set of common goals and interests? Or have we ( I have loosely aligned our Canadian society with American society) gone so far that we will stop at nothing to win?
I sincerely hope not.
I have always operated under the premises that we respect our fellow human being and the set of common norms, mores and attitudes that comes with being a contributing member of society. This zest which Head Coach Bill Belichek showed is disconcerting not only in the manner it was brought about but also the blatant lack of remorse which the Patriots Head Coach accepted responsibility.
I believe that there is a higher standard of conduct expected from "winners" and "rubbing the salt in the wounds" or breaking the rules is not part of this standard of conduct.
Shame on you Bill!!!!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Bio Energy Research for Atikokan

After a significant amount of time, lobbying and a concerted team effort from the Municipal, Provincial and Federal Government the Bio Energy Research Centre as part of the Ontario Centres of Excellence has finally been announced for Atikokan, Ontario. It is indeed a good news day for the community and speaks to their leadership and perseverance. I am proud to say my father, Dennis, the Mayor played a major role in insuring the voice of Atikokanites were heard. He worked diligently to penetrate Ministers Offices, kept on both MPP and MP out of Thunder Bay and helped build a community effort to replace the Coal Fired Generating station. Ironic on the day of the announcement 220,000 people are out of power in California and 27 have died from heat exposure. With every closed door another opens? Brings to question Kyoto and the Environmental Agenda of Canada and how a big impact we actually have. It seems asinine that the workers of Northwestern Ontario pay such a hefty price when other countries in the Far East pollute our environment at such an alarming rate and many have yet to sign on to Kyoto. Where is the social justice?

Monday, August 27, 2007

American Justice and Politics

SEVERE that is the only proper paradigm I can provide for the American System of Politics and Justice. Open court rules, take "no prisoners" and stop at nothing to achieve results. The newest missive from the Dems at the Republicans is that Attorney General Gonzalez has resigned due to improprieties in voting investigations. His accusers, and there are many in the Dems ranks, say that as Attorney General he ordered that all Democratic Voting Irregularities be investigated to the max to determine fraud. Nothing on Republican Voters. It is at junctures like this that I appreciate our Canadian System of Justice and Government. The impartiality of the Chief Electoral Officers and their staff. Public servants with honourable undertakings and whom provide a good third party view as opposed to the Attorney Generals Office in the U.S.. Our system may have troubles but Voting Irregularities (of this magnitude anyways) are not one of them. We just need voters to turn out and become engaged especially in the 18-35 year old Category. Now there is a question for a Royal Commission Study..why do Canadian Voters not vote and what can we do to change that?

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Fox News Factor...whaaattt?

Watching CNN this morning I saw a poll that stated 76% of Americans whom watch Fox News do not trust American politicians while ONLY 36% of Americans who do NOT watch Fox News do not trust American politicians. Is the American Public that brainwashed by the Right Wing Fanatics at Fox? Is there no freedom of thought, belief and expression of those beliefs? I know Don Cherry wields a heavy influence especially on younger Canadian hockey fans but do we also have a such a myopic and shallow view of our world that our CBC dictates Canadian viewpoint? Kind of scary especially in our wired world where information is at our fingertips in a nano-second. I for one am glad we have the blogsphere, internet, news services and facebook to cultivate and appreciate other points of view.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Ryan Androsoff - New Age Liberal for Saskatoon

Some of the best things in life are experienced through the actions of friends and family. Today is one of those days when I am told that a close friend of mine, Ryan Androsoff Prairie Fire blogger is seriously considering running for the Saskatchewan Liberal Party. A great guy, with a super work ethic and some new age ideas as proposed in his "308 Seat Strategy". Ryan has served with the World Bank , has advised our Liberal Federal Ministers and has been on the ground with the Federal Leadership Campaign. He has proven he has great tact and diplomacy with people and even stronger understanding and appreciation for the volunteers and Liberals that make up our great party. His candidacy will be a welcome and strong addition to Karwicki's Provincial Team. This next Saskatchewan Election looks like the Libs may well make a statement and have a strong presence. I knocked on doors for Liberals in Saskatchewan before and I look forward with great expectations to doing the same for Ryan!!! Bring home a Liberal Seat Ryan!!!

Monday, August 6, 2007

Canadian Wheat Board - where are are we?

The recent strike down by the Supreme Court of Canada of the Reform/Alliance/ Conservative attempt to remove the Barley Monopoly of the CWB was met with what Liberal opposition? Strangely not a whisper from the Leader, our Critics or even our Western MP's on the Liberal response to the Courts ruling. I find this concerning as the CWB had the potential to bring us back to the Polls but no "stop this or else" ultimatums from the Liberal ranks only media pundits inferring what Liberal policy is. Even the Winnipeg Free Press did not pick up on our Leaders position which he firmly advocated in March 2007 here in Winnipeg at the LPC(M) AGM that he would do everything possible to protect the CWB. We need swift and decisive action to STOP the Reform/Alliance/Conservatives and regain some much needed ground with not only Western farmers but Quebec and Ontario Farmers concerned over marketing boards and their role in Canada's Agriculture policy. Lets get back to the basic Liberal principles of respect, cooperation and working together and begin the campaign to "Bring Back Canada" from the Reform/Alliance/Conservatives and their American based right wing philosophy. We have seen this on Foreign policy, we have sen this on Defence policy, we have seen this on the environment and now we are seeing it on our Wheat Board. Stop Harper now !!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Small Town Disaster

As you ALL know I hail from god's country - N.W.O. and a small and vibrant community deep in the heart of the Canadian Shield - Atikokan. Well tragedy has struck our community over the weekend a young 17-year old gal Krysta Mosley daughter of Jim Mosley was killed in a one vehicle accident . 2 friends in the vehicle with her were air lifted to Thunder Bay and remain in critical condition and 1 friend walked away. Many factors contributed to the accident that took her life but all add up to a small town crisis. The loss of someone so young and full of life, next generation of our community is hard to accept.

A face book group entitled In Loving Memory of Krysta Mosley has been started for more info.

Life is precious and we need to enjoy every minute of it. My heartfelt sorrow, compassion and thoughts go to Krysta's friends and family on this tragic day in their life.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Crisis in the Liberal Party

The recent quotes by Martha Hall Findlay and former LPC President Stephen LeDrew about the LPC "inability to raise money" and "donor fatigue" are right on the mark. Under the new guidelines it is becoming more and more evident, to this writer anyways, that we as a political party have not stepped up to the challenge we gave ourselves and the country in 2003. Over the past few months I have had the opportunity to chat with Liberals across the country and we all agree we need to change the way we operate. I am becoming very, very concerned with the direction of the party and the manner with which our PTA's and National Executive operate and address this new Canadian political environment. The fact that after 7 months our leadership candidates still have a combined debt of over 3.2 million AND no national plan for helping them out is disrespectful to them and each one of us. Under the new legislation it is all about the individual with no more corporate donors allowed. We as a party still have not adjusted and we, under Prime Minister Jean Chretien, are the ones that brought this in 2003. In 2007 we should be refocused, retooled and turning to the individual. Sadly we have diminished to the point that we are pointing fingers, casting blame and loosing time and energy on inconsequential efforts. We need worker bees, phoners and door to door canvassers, we need a strong foundation of party members across the country, we need to encourage a new openness in the political process and we MUST have a 'bottom up" approach to the entire political party organizational process. Gone are the days when guys with lists went to big donors the day before the election and said "help us and we will help you". With that "ask" gone so to are the days when the "backroom boys" dictated Liberal policy, procedure and personnel. Plebiscites, one member one vote, petitions, tabled votes are the new marching orders.

We must enlist the membership, encourage a new wave of liberalism and move into the 21st century thinking of open and transparent politics.

Here in Manitoba, Liberal Membership is down, fundraising efforts are few and far between and participation in PTA meetings, AGM's and Nomination Meetings is down.

When will we as a party "get it" ?
When will we shift our thinking and begin acting the way of the new Canadian Political paradigm?
What do we need to do to get ahead of the NDP (Last Quarter they beat us in fundraising )?

Monday, July 9, 2007


A gal, Emma , I work with whom is just a "peach" of a lady and has taken the lack of respect ion the world into her own hands and helped raise awareness to "sharing more love and happiness" in the world. See what she started on the luckiest day of the millennium 07-07-07 on her video . I invite everyone to join her in her campaign to share a little more love - world wide. Westerners and Peggers will note her video is filmed here at Canada's Centre - The Forks in Winnipeg.
With gals like Emma around it is easy to think that a better future is ahead for our world!!!
Thanks Em!!!

Monday, July 2, 2007

140 years Strong!!

Our Country, Canada, is 140 years old. The saga of how we became the Dominion of Canada and later how we Repatriated ourselves with our own Constitution and Charter of Rights and Freedoms in 1982 is an interesting one. Several times before 1867 we tried to bring all the different regions together 1837 and 1838 saw French and English unite then in 1847 the same but all leading to differences not common interests creating divisions and noot agreements. Several Cities wanted to become the Capital but Ottawa became the final choice. Later Louis Riel would try to start another Republic ..the Republic of Manitobah only to have the Conservatives and Sir John A label him a criminal and treasonist. Newfoundland finally came aboard and here we are 2007. Our country has seen many a fight, a skirmish and a uniting cause such as the Canada Russia Super Series of 1972, World Wars and Quebec Separation but the most amazing "idea" that unites us from BC to Newfoundland is that we are still together and looking at a better future in 2007. I am proud to celebrate our birthday at the Forks in the Centre of Canada and happy to wish each and every one of my fellow Canadians, 31 million strong, Happy Birthday Canada and fellow Canadians!!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Smokin' Joe Commuzzi must resign and a By-Election be called!!!!

Absolutely unbelievable !!!! Joe Commuzzi former Crown Attorney and FedNor Minister in the Martin Liberal Government wants to join the Reform/ Alliance /CPC. Bluntly he should resign and let his new babysitter Stephen call a by election. The riding has not been Conservative since before the Minster of Everything CD Howe. he has no chance of winning under a CPC banner and the people of NorthWestern Ontario (NWO) deserve better. The layoffs in the Forest Processing Industry, the botched negotiations to get Ken Buchanan and his company Buchanan Forest Products (the largest employer in the riding) money back from the US, the fact that Northwestern Ontario has the highest cost of doing business in the country (hydro, telephone and business taxes) and the fact that Harper is doing nothing about it makes me think with this decision to leave the Liberal Party Joe is loosing it.
Give your head a shake Joe!
More to the point get your head out of your ass and resign before you do yourself any more personal damage!!!

The fact that Joe Comuzzi hid behind a Budget vote making some lame excuse about the funds set aside for NWO through a Medical Lab (newsflash Joe -NWO would get it with or without your vote ) was simply a hissy fit because you are not going to be the Chief Political Minister for NWO anymore and the new leader has marginalized you in Caucus as you have nothing to offer the new Liberal Party. He has pulled these kind of stints in the past, less publicly, but still having strained relationships with Chretien NWO Chiefs Nault and Irwin. No Joe is all about Joe and cares not about the party, the thousands of hours of volunteer time put in to his campaign and which supported him for 2 decades. pathetically egotistical of the Liberal MP from Thunder Bay Superior North.

Resign NOW Joe !!!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Summer Hi Jinx

It seems everyone and there dog is having fundraisers and bringing people together. On the Winnipeg Municipal Front "up and comer" and real "go-getter" City Hall St.James Councillor Scott Fielding has released a sure winner report with The Economic Opportunities Commission Report . Mayor Sam and his pledge to get rid of the business tax is going to be a reality. A lot of out of the box recommendations by the right wing panelists but with Scotts shepherding this could go somewhere. Too many times has Adrien Batra tried to snivel her way into the Premiers Office.
On the Federal Front - ByElections in Willowdale and Toronto Centre would really help shape the renewed Liberal team. Lots of bluster out of Prime Minister Harper and his Reform/Alliance/CPC party on Senate Reform sounding more and more like Mulroney of the 90's and less of the Reform Populist he came into Ottawa as. Watch for some draconian changes to Senate and the Environmental agenda.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Official Party Status Back for Toban Libs

My prediction in tomorrows May 22 Provincial Election a Reduced NDP Majority with 4 Liberals including Marvin Krawec in Portage, Paul Hesse in Fort Rouge and Jennifer Lukovich in Seine River. A great campaign for Jon and Company no "faux pas" and a renewed future for the Manitoba Liberal Party. Too little too late in some ridings but well run campaigns by Wayne and Rhonda in the Inner City and some great add ons in Fort Garry and Kirkfield Park have provided some renewed energy to the once dormant party.
Well done Jon , Dennis and Georgina !!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

What other Province does NOT televise the Leaders Debate?

Venting, appalled, or just weather ballooning but what other province does NOT televise the LIVE Leader's Debate? What other province does not have the top 3 newspapers present for a round table ? Where does the Chamber of Commerce pull out due to Governing Parties demands? Is Manitoba that far off the "beat and path" that we can not see the Leaders engaged in debate and with some "spritzy" and on the mark missile launchers pointed at a sitting leader? Do we live in a democracy? I have to tell you this Election has been off the public psyche so far that the Winnipeg Morning Radio Shows are taking about re-runs, has-been's and the next Fall's TV sitcoms rather which Leader has presented the best platform. This is not good for the Opposition Liberals or Tories. The ever elusive and apathetic 18- 35 year old voter focused on long weekend camping sites in the Whiteshell, next Tuesday's Election looks more like the Turtle Races in Beasujour. If Voter turnout hits the 60% mark I will be surprised. I have done my civic duty attending the Local St. Vital Legion and casting my ballot in favour of the St . Vital Liberal Candidate Harry Wolbert you have my vote. I only hope some strong Eday Liberal machines in Portage, Fort Rouge, River Heights, Kirkfield Park and Seine River can bring out every single living Liberal Voter.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Liberal machine coming through

Well two weeks into Election 07 and I have to say my early predictions of a Tory Majority are no longer. Doer is holding strong and not misstepping in any way. The Dippers are working hard and Hugh, as much as his platform is well thought out, is just not resonating as strong as he should be at this juncture. Liberal Leader Jon Gerrard on the other hand is proving that experience and life happenings are profitable in this campaign. Dr. Gerrard and his knowledge of the Health Care system, understanding of the Environment and devout spiritual strength is proving to be a formidable presence in Manitoba. In fact I had occasion to door knock with Marvin Krawec in Portage yesterday and the community is a buss with Marvin and change. Marvin is a well respected member of the community, devout father and volunteer on the Library Board, CMHA Board, founding member of Koko Platz Community Centre Board and Southport Aerospace and this as well as his consummate Liberal participation is resonating well with Portage voters. In fact I will go on record to to say he is our strongest candidate Provincially since Gordon Johnston held the seat in the 7o's. In fact Gordon's daughter Norma is his Official Agent. We spoke to former NDP supporters who took signs and say the will help volunteer and Tories doing the same. Most fruititiously a divided Tory Nomination race with the name Pallister coming up more than any other has proven to shift focus to the Liberals. In fact sitting MLA David Farshau was signing up constituents in a hurried and almost frenzied manner in attempt to get the 100 signatures to make him the duly nominated candidate. Farshau needs the signatures by Tuesday so can you say "panic" and poor organization. The man holds the record for most hours slept in the Leg so getting his forms in late may be a sign of things to come. Of special note is Marvin's stand for 5 million for a New Portage Recreational Complex a stand now supported by Doer. Interesting times and good times to be a Liberal in Portage.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Life and loosing friends

Today life and that infinite plan God has for all of us hit home. I received some very, very sad news today a close friend whom I have umpteen hundreds of great life happenings with has past away at the tender age of 44. Tom McGonigal. Tommy was a man of wisdom, compassion and generosity that I have seen few equal in my 41 years on this planet. He shared where he could, he loved where he did and changed people views on life just by being the person he was. I came to meet Tom McGonigal through a close friend Darryl Balasko or "DB" as he is affectionately known. Tom and I instantly hit off and we shared great moments on life, friends and events. In the past few years he had been living in Vancouver and we had only gotten together a few times but they were good moments of life. Tom was a positive and upbeat guy with a deep appreciation for life - Laurel his partner, his friends and family. I saw him just 2 weeks ago he came to visit his brother (who had suffered a mild heart attack) and in that true "Tommy" form we had great laughs and chuckles and spoke glowingly with lots of humour and belly chuckles about Grey Cup (he was BC Lion fan), mutual friends and family. We shared a Salisbury Nip with DB. That would be the last time I would see him and it was a good one. My heart and deep sympathy go to his family. It is a huge loss for a man so loved and appreciated to be taken from us so young. This will be two friends in the past 5 years under the age of 45 whom have left us. Truly sad moments in my life to have lost such good persons. Tom McGonigal - a good friend and wonderful human being.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Reston's real jewel - Destiny Watt !!!

I have had the extreme privilege to be working with Destiny Watt in the past few weeks. I have to tell you this girl is good. She is forthright, intelligent, well versed in the school of politics and a hard worker. She is Scott Fielding's (City Councillor for St.James) Executive Assistant and he is a lucky man to have her on his side. With people like Destiny involved in politics I am damn sure that life will change for the better. Our world and our province is better place because of consummate workers and compassionate people like Destiny. She hails from Reston Manitoba and comes from a long line of actively involved Tories. I won't hold that against her:):)) Man I have to tell you I have met some great people from all parts of Manitoba - Pinnawa being the best one for me in the last 2 years, but also Morris, Morden, Carmen, Hottie Heather Doroschuk from Gimli, Reston, Churchill, Portage and Donna Rempel from Brandon is just awesome as well!!! Life is good when you come across good people to share it with and I am very happy to have met Destiny.

Marvin Krawec - Next Liberal MLA for Portage!!

In doing my business this morning I came across three seasoned Liberal foot soldiers - Shawn Rawlings, Jean Roy and Marvin Krawec. They informed me of the best Liberal news I have heard in years ...Marvin Krawec is running for the Provincial Liberals. Marvin and I go back to the 80's and he is a man of honour, dignity and intelligence that will serve the voters of Portage la Prairie well. He is Gerrard Kennedy's Uncle and was the driving force behind Gerrard's success her in Manitoba. Marvin has been involved with Liberal Politics all his life and is a retired School Teacher whom was popular with his students. He is a strong member of the Dr.Gerrard's team and adds a big boost to Liberal fortunes in Manitoba. Portage was a Liberal bastion under Gordon Johnston withstanding PC and NDP Government in the late 60's and through the 70's. Past candidates Helen Christofferson, David Quinn and Hugh Moran have all had very good showings and with Ian MacKenzie no longer Mayor and capable of supplying support you will see good things come from Marvin's Team.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Political Play of the Week - Jack on mark with his comments on low flying Erin!!!

Erin Selby has proven on Day 1 of the Election Campaign in Manitoba that she is ill equipped and not a serious contender for office. She should go back to reading script and playing "happy smiley" and leave the art of politics to other more serious candidates- of both genders. Her outrage for comments made by Jack Reimer, a man of integrity and honour and whom if you knew even an iota of what he does and represents would respect for not only his approach but also his commitment to the good people of Niakwa/Southdale. The very public offense which Ms. Selby chose to share is a sign that the NDP will stop at nothing to "make issues out of nothing" and take the low road. Pointedly, the "talk-a-lot-do-nothing" NDP were set to ask for a public apology from the PC's for Jack Reimer's comments that Erin Selby, a former TV Host on the lowest rated TV station in Manitoba and in fact a women, was nothing more than wall paper at a recent announcement by the "Tax and Spend" NDP leader Gary Doer from Southdale. Jack Reimer the PC representative of the past two decades was on mark as the NDP are trying to make something out in the riding that do not have a hope in winning. I mean affluent young families want good quality honest representation not tokenism. They have received good quality representation under Reimer and Liberal Herold Dreidger before him. Say what you want about Jack but he has done his work, made everything in the constituency a priority had Perogy Wednesday every week of his tenure and made a point to stay in touch. An example of his commitment came to me in 1992. At the time I lived in the riding and was the Provincial Liberal Riding Association President for 5 years in the 90's. I found it hard not to like the man but above all I respected his commitment. Upon my graduation from U of M and my acceptance at Law School he sent me letters of congratulations. I phoned and thanked him as I thought it was a nice touch. Ms. Selby attempt to accuse the man of making a poor gender related comment which was i fact the truth she did not do anything other than provide a smiling happy face for Doer. Ms. Selby is just plain wrong and brings politician into a very low morale ground with her shameful comments. Shame on you NDP and shame on you Erin Selby and I hope the voters of Southdale see through your thinly vieled facade.

Friday, April 20, 2007

NDP Years Over

Premier Doer has called a Convention Centre Conference for 6 pm today and the Writ will drop and the curtain will drop on 9 years of talk and mismanagement of taxpayers funds. Early Prediction here - Tory Majority. Let the debates heat up !! NDP Record - No movement on Health Care, Financial Mismanagement in Health Boards, Crocus "duck and weave" and children dieing in the care of the Province PLUS an inability to keep our youth and brains in Manitoba. BYE BYE Gary !!!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Boobs, Beer and Balls - A Neat Fundraiser for Breast Cancer!

This has got to be one of the best ideas yet for raising cash in an innovative way...Boobs, Beer and Balls! A few pals of mine are putting on this fundraiser and I hope to get as many out as possible any questions please call 204-257-8495!!!

Thursday, May 10th, 2007
at the GOLF DOME - 1205 Wilkes Ave.
Boobs, Beer & Balls
$25 each
FREE Range Time, FREE Virtual Golf
and FREE Miniature Golf
Includes Free Hot Dog, Drink and Popcorn
CASH BAR, Booby Prizes and Special Events All Night
Special thanks to The Golf Dome, Derksen Printers and David Schellenberg Graphic Design
Hosted by Lexie’s Pink Flamingos

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Change, Growth and Life!!!

It has been sometime since I last blogged. A of late I have spent time in completing the Liberal AGM tasks and looking, deeply, at my personal life and concentrating on areas that I am trying to get a stronger feel for what I want out of myself. Pointedly, I am at a time in my life where I really do not suffer fools easily and as of late lots of emotional laden issues are coming out. As a result I am trying to get some more food for my spirit by reading some neat new authors, spending time outside, keeping committed to my workouts, meeting a lot more people and not to be too prideful but as of late I have been asked out on "dates" far more often than I enjoy. I know what I want in an "equal partner for life" and she is everything and then some - extrodinaire, vivacious, family oriented, kind , caring, drop dead gorgeous and thought provoking however she is not at the same place as I am.
Real life in technicolour and FULL force.
As of late I am re-thinking, shifting paradigms, emotionally growing with a spurt and I have significant amount of clarity on what I want to make of my life. I really enjoy my daughter, my family, my community, life, sports, politics, people, spirituality, music, new ideas and concepts for the future ..AND most important to this human condition is that I enjoy the engagement of communications - the art of discussion and dialogue. I find the blog is helping to shape and clarify my thoughts but I also realize that in keeping with my role as Corporate Sales Person, I love people and their ideas, thoughts and opinions and engaging them in whatever setting on their thoughts. I grow each time this happens and it creates a really calming energy that we live in a great country - Canada is a magnificent place to live, work and play in, I also empathize with my fellow human being and enjoy the socialization. One glaring omission has been illuminated - I have put off my own needs for others far too frequently.
Today, April 11, 2007 I want to start acting on my needs and desires and clearly achieving all that I want from life AND what I want my partner is. Learn, love, laugh and LIVE to its fullest ! As a result I am going to take some time away from the Blog to feed my spirit and my soul but first I must leave this one sentiment wrapped in a quest with ALL my fellow cyberspacers -

LIFE , if not enjoyed to the fullest, is it really living or is it dieing?

Monday, April 2, 2007

Dion to the Rescue of CWB!!

Stephane Dion in Saskatoon announced this yesterday. The protection of Farmers in the West and the defence of our tried and true Canadian method for surviving in the Global Marketplace of the 21st century are well protected with a Liberal Government.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Canadians for Kelowna - Needed Today !!!

A good pal of mine Don Marks reminded me of the dire need to have the Kelowna Accord enacted into law. I have attached the website and petition for support and fellow bloggers viewing. If not now ..when?

Saturday, March 31, 2007

This is Bullshit !!! Tory Sour Grapes from Former FCM Pres

Former Federation of Canadian Municipalities President Gloria Kovach could not win a Tory Nomination due to poor organization and even worse political skills and now she is playing the "poor me" victim stance and pointing her finger at everyone other than herself. This article says it all. I for one call bullshit. To even think that Stephane Dion would consider such a petty action is incomprehensible..did she see his Leadership Campaign ? Does she understand that as the Leader for Renewal he fundamentally believes in an open and transparent Government? Ms. Kovach simply needs to take responsibility for her actions- a novel idea for a Tory. To point the finger elsewhere demeans the FCM which is one of the most effective voices for Municipalities and Cities across the Country. Shame on you Ms. Kovach politics is not a "sand box with childrens toys for you to play with" but rather politics is a complex art of negotiations and a thorough understanding of Canadians and the challenges we face in the 21st century.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Manitoba NDP Concur with LIB's on CWB

Manitoba Ag Minister Wowchuk concurs with Liberal stand on CWB. As we have said flawed process, bad questions on plebiscite, low voter turnout, lack of clarity and lack of democracy on CWB. what will make these Reform alliance types stop?

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Wheat Board Must Stay

The Reform / Alliance Chuck Strahl Announcement today that stated the CWB was not wanted is a skewed and utterly perverted process. The Reform Alliance announcement demonstrates an absolute and complete loss of faith in the Canadian Farmer and a huge blow to Western Canada. 3/4 of Western Farmers want the CWB to stay yet the Conservatives say they want it to go? Can you say Weapons of Mass Destruction ? Probe Research and Ipsos Reid say Manitobans and Canadians want the CWB, every farmer I have spoken to wants it the only people that do not are the died in the wool Reform /Alliance types who do not want to part company with Harper and his extremists. We need a movement to keep the CWB? Time to get the buses rolling and movement a foot. If you want any more informed, educated and relevant info on this contact our Murray Downing Former Federal Liberal Candidate Brandon Souris at This is absolutely disgraceful and I think the Reform Alliance types are giddy on power and are trying to goad us into an Election with this kind of misinformation.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Tim Horton's should make a public statement AGAINST this image !!

This is an absolutely "wrong-headed" image. There are a lot of really mixed up people out there but this picture is ooohhhh sooooo very wrong. The Leafs will win tomorrow against Carolina and then another 2 over the weekend then it is Cup Crazy T.O. !!! a new paradigm in media information !!!

Wow a friend of mine, a great gal by the name of Kathleen Martens has just left the Winnipeg Sun to start up an innovative new media project called Winnipeg FIRST. The WinnipegFirst initiative is unique and cutting edge with up to the minute newsflashes. Winnipeg First is a Winnipeg-based national company launched in the summer of 2006 by John White, a veteran journalist looking to provide a passionate yet objective voice for the community. The president and company founder made a pledge to construct a new media paradigm that would ignite meaningful conversation, explode the ivory tower, embrace new technology and reconnect with the community.This exciting vision is centered around the company's core values: to be active, inclusive, transparent and exponential. Active in the way that we report on our community and seek out new and better ways of doing things, inclusive by respecting and championing the opinions of those interacting with our site, transparent in how we quickly acknowledge and correct mistakes and display real names from contributors, and exponential in our approach, reach and intellect as we grow in all ways to enhance the user experience. Kathleen Martens, formerly of the Winnipeg Sun, is the Senior Editor for Content. I encourage everyone to take a minute to check out their site at
My first impresssion is that WinnipegFIRST is something close to Bourque but with local contributors and dialogue. Look forward to your opinions as well.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Lesley Hughes Manitoba Federal Liberals need you!!

At our recent LPC(M) AGM Lesley Hughes was a member of the Media Panel organized by Canadian Juno and Gemini Award Winning Producer and Director Don Marks. Lesley was invigorating in her promotion of CBC radio and the role which Canadian content plays in our social and cultural fabric. She defended the CBC against the privatization, "stay out of the market place" arguments which came both from participants on the floor and from her fellow Media panelist. Lesley was both respectful and strong in her approach and demonstrated that she is not only an eloquent orator but a women of substance and conviction. We need this type of individual badly in the Manitoba Federal Liberal Caucus. I for one would love to see her carry the Liberal Banner against Joy Smith, Judy Wasylicia-Leis or Stephen Fletcher. Lesley has the skill set, reputation and integrity to be not only a strong voice but also a long term Liberal MP. We need more women of substance running for public office in Manitoba, women like Lesley, like Wendy Menzies in Neepawa, like Jennifer Lukovich in Selkirk, like Valerie Galley and Joyce Bateman and Bobbi Ethier in Winnipeg. With a superb President of the LPC(M) in Sharon MacArthur and absolutely great ERC Co-Chairs in Deb Morrison and Jane Nikkel we need more women candidates.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

John Loewen will bring back the Liberal Brand to Winnipeg South!!!

I am delighted to state that i am proud member of the John Loewen team and happy to be supporting him in Winnipeg South Liberal Nomination. John has the business acumen to bring a prolific liberal message to the Manitoba and Canadian business community having been involved with the family business Comcheq since 1973, as a Founding Director of the Manitoba Business Council and Chairman of Economic Development Winnipeg. He has significant community roots as Past President of Big Brothers Big Sisters, Manitoba Chamber Orchestra and and the Linden Woods community association. He is also a sports guy , a team player and knows and understands the value that without a strong and prosperous team no one person wins. He was a U of M Bison Basketball player and presently coaches Glenlawn Collegiate Boys team. He has had Provincial training being an MLA for Fort Whtye from 1999 til 2006 and brings a wealth of community, political, sports and personal knowledge and relationships to the Manitoba Liberal team. John is a person whom sees people for who they are and plays to their strengths. I look forward to him winning the Liberal nomination in Winnipeg South and further to him being a vibrant and positive member of the Liberal Party of Canada's Manitoba Caucus.

Monday, March 19, 2007

What about Manitoba? What about North Western Ontario? What about the GST cut?

The Budget, biggest spending budget in Canadian history brought lots of talk about Saskatchewan and lots of talk about Energy and the Environment but no action on the degradation on Lake Winnipeg. What about the East West Power grid? The Trans Canada Highway and putting more money into a Western Canada Transportation System? Billions spent on the Environmental Initiatives but no numbers or thresholds to meet just rhetoric. What about the Farmers no real incentives for Agri-Business? Northern Ontario and BC are still reeling hard from the Soft Wood Tariff and the Tories capitulation on the 5.2 billion in Canadian Dollars the Americans have taken and not replaced? Kenora has lost 20% of their population any insight to help? what has Flatfooted Flaherty done?
What about the GST cut promised in the Election?. On all counts nothing.
Jimmy boy forget the 800 dollar Easton skates for your son and look at getting some old loafers out and get back to what Canadians want and need- A Liberal Government.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Marriage, Fidelity and the Canadian Way

A good pal of mine, actually the CAO of Canadian Wheat Board Ward Meisner ( not to be mistaken for former CEO Adrian Meisner) is taking the plunge for the second time. Ward and I along with some "bean counters" from the CWB, CN, James Richardson International and Patterson & Sons play hockey on the Pro Con Habs of the University of Manitoba League and we have a great time . Ward is our "go to guy", a smooth skater and the textbook definition of a consummate unselfish, team player. Well he has been with this gal he is marrying this weekend for a couple of years. He originally married young to his high school sweetheart out in Sask but the two of them grew apart and divorced some time ago. Ward is a great guy and always willing to give but my BIG question (me being divorced and having a 5-year old daughter whom I worship and whom lives with her mother and that I do not see nearly as much as I would like) why ruin a good thing? The live and play together. They travel around the world, enjoy each others company, have the same recreational likes such as golf and workouts, enjoy the same movies and leisure activities.....why throw a wrench into a well oiled machine and formally marry? Is this my cynicism coming out where I am just thinking why change the boundaries or is there a need in today's society to have a formal written contract before you are "together"? Does this change their relationship? Will this change their relationship? If so how? Do they have to be faithful now that they are married but could have been unfaithful before the marriage contract? With the Divorce Rate in Canada in the high 60 percentile is our Canadian morale compass and hierarchy of values changing so much that we no longer can make a commitment ? I look around at my pals and most ( if not ALL) have been unfaithful with their spouses. What is the answer to this deteriorating morale fiber - marry who and when we want without regard for the "right one", move on when we feel like it or when we decide they were not the "right one", stick it out,persevere through the challenges which every relationship brings with someone who you know is not perfect (no one is) but whom you enjoy their company? Interesting thoughts on this bright and sunny Saturday. Personally, I am a little war torn and tattered and reluctant to want to enter into any relationship where I care and trust that gal 100% and of the opinion that I will work through challenges with a life partner whom I respect and admire and with whom I have made a "covenant of fidelity". I have not always been of this mund set but I am firmly there today.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Martha Rocks and Now Stands for the LPC !!!

Huge kudos to the Liberals of Willowdale who have asked and been delivered the best, yes I will use the word "best" in describing Martha, Liberal Candidate our country and liberal cause can offer to their riding. To have the Liberal Association, one which has a vibrant and well respected Liberal Executive, ask the Leader and be granted a specific candidate is unheard of. Martha is enterprising, entrepreneurial, an exciting speaker, engaging conversationalist and has a casual, comfortable approach when dealing with people. She can debate and discuss the issues of importance with persons of all races, creeds, religious denominations and genders. She will serve the Constituents of Willowdale well and the only question remaining is when do we from Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario have the privilege of going door to door to share Martha's message of hope and optimism with the Constituents of Willowdale.
Congrats Stephane Dion for doing what a Leader should - know his/her people and understanding and play to their strengths. You have strengthened your Liberal Team significantly with the Appointment of Martha Hall Findlay.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Manitoba AGM Complete and Resounding Success!!

Wow what a team !!!!

My second AGM as Chairperson and our Liberal movement is alive and thriving. A weekend complete with Liberal Blogging King presentation from Jason Cherniak and a 308 Riding Formula by Ryan Androsoff, Toronto MP's John Mac Kay and Bryon Wielfert were absolutely superb in setting the course for the Three Pillars, Manitoba's own Terry Duguid did a superb job on the environment, Don Marks put on an engaging and stimulating performance on Media, the Manitoba ERC Chairs Deb Morrison and Jane Nikkel did a profoundly inspiring performance on getting our team ready, LPC's Harry Mortemeir did a superb and thorough job on the new finances, inspiring speeches by Martha Hall Findlay, Gerrard Kennedy and our Leader Stephane Dion and a few local Policy Resolutions by Jim Millar and his team put the whole package in a stellar 21st century menu.
I have to express my HUGE THANKS to the great work by my entire AGM team and a personal thank you to each of you from me for their volunteer support, time and energy.

Every feedback received was positive and the only blip being extra tables needed for lunch and less sessions more discussion needed in the future. The crowning achievement in my view was the All Liberal Social Friday night- discussion, dialogue and camaraderie on the Liberal team. The dynamic speeches by our Leader, Gerrard and Martha put the energy and focal points on the weekend and the engaging nature of the ERC team and panellists PLUS the moving, full and complete AGM Agenda combined to make the weekend a complete and resounding success!!!!.

Team work, cooperation and commitment were our ingredients and not only have we achieved our goals - I believe in keeping with the theme of Let's Get the Party Started we have helped our party move forward towards a new and more prosperous future.

I hope to have some links for the presentations in the very near future but you can also link to Jason and Ryan on my page.

Looks like the next step on my Liberal Agenda is helping to organize a great candidate in Winnipeg South to take back that riding from the Tories. Stay tuned !!!
This new challenge brings back some great memories of 1993 and a heated, healthy 5,000 member nomination contest. Looking back on my life I have been involved in a total of 24 Liberal Nominations in riding from Ottawa to Saskatoon and have been on the loosing team only twice my dad lost to Veternarian Dan Pieroz in Rainy River Ontario Provincial in 1988 and once in 1993 we lost by 4 votes in Winnipeg South. I think with the proper positioning, bringing in all the Liberals I have spoke to this weekend and over the past year and putting together a similarly strong organizational team as the AGM (which looks like it is coming together Winnipeg South) it should be rewarding and fun. One recent real big Nomination win was in 2002-03 as part of the Ken Boschoff team in Thunder Bay Rainy River the folksy popular Mayor took down the well financed, Martin backed Donald Patterson team. That nomination was all about work and organizing and Winnipeg South looks to much the same thing.

On a personal note a lot of retro on my agenda this year which I have found really neat. Kind of exhilarating and therapeutic to be back "at her" for the Liberal cause after a few years of ground level roles such as door knocking as opposed to planning, strategizing and organizing. I find today my spiritual and personal outlook or more clear and less confined and as person I am a lot wiser and more focused on getting things done and finding achievable versus futile accomplishments. My challenge as it was in 1993 is I have to learn to temper how I deal with the "princesses" or "talk-a-lot-do-nothings" in the party. I do know I am far more effective at seeing people for who they are and lowering my expectations for those who are duplicitous and less "real". I also must learn to be more reserved and less passionate about how I undertake the task of organizing and enjoying my liberal activity.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

LPC Manitoba AGM to be one of the most exciting in Years !!

It is with great anticipation and expectations that I look forward to seeing the fruits of all the labour of the AGM Committee which I have the distinct honour of forming and chairing come together next weekend. The 3 day AGM will have a first ever ALL Liberal Event hosted by Martha Hall Findlay on Friday night ..a good ole Manitoba social with music, refreshments and lots of time for Liberals to chat. Saturday is anchored with our dynamic new leader Stephane Dion speaking to his vision for Canada, Liberal Renewal and the ground breaking three pillars approach. The Leader will be surrounded with a cutting edge Media Session on how the Liberals need to change in effect to better communicate our message, Policy Sessions from MP's from across the country and an Election Readiness session with some new age techniques from Party Blog King Jason Cherniak, Saskatchewan Organizational genius Ryan Androsoff, LPC's own Harry Mortemier and Manitoba's own David Johnson. Wow !!! This is exciting stuff with Sunday seeing the elections for party office being held.

Huge kudos for all the time and energy of the team on my committee and especially the commitment made by Don Marks, Darryl Balasko, Caroline Neufeld, Bill James , Becky MacEachern, Jim Millar, John Petrshyen. I can not say enough about the leadership of LPC(M) Sharon MacArthur, the support of LPC(M) office and our ED extraordinaire Wizzer (man we will miss her) and the support and guidance by Bobbi Ethier. It will be ONLY because of their combined energies that this is one of the best AGM's in some time and I salute them and thank them for their commitments!!

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Leafs missed the Boat ..again!!

In my last few posts I have been remiss in sharing my love of the Leafs. Man we need a tender that looks death in the eye and spits back and we just don't have it in Raycroft. Bring back Cujo ..I am mean just look at what Luongo has done for Vancouver..Fergie get with the program and grab a tender...give Pogge a try he did win a World Gold. anyways the loss last night to the Habs bring me horrible ..horrible premonitions of last year with the two back to back losses to the Habs and no post season...will Perrault Part 3 help? Leafs let him go twice before for reasons ... hope and optimism are guarded with age and no Tucker but I will not miss a Leaf sat game not even next Saturday after listening to a stirring and eloquent speech but our new Liberal Leader Stephane Dion.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Dr. Jon Gerrard- A Vibrant Liberal Voice!

Dr. Jon Gerrard , world renowned scientist and cancer researcher, eagle lover and father of three loving and vibrant children as well as grandfather (as you will see on his website or simply click on his link here jongerrardsblog) is a super guy with a real passion for people and solving problems. Much has been said about what I said or did not say about Dr. Jon Gerrard what I say is this :
Jon faces many challenges and not the least of which is the Conservative Party of Manitoba and the New Democratic Party of Manitoba. He has continued and is continuing to raise money and candidates to provide Manitobans with the best option for governing the Province of Manitoba. Not a big business option, nor big union alternative but an option which takes in the liberal values of compassion, honesty and integrity and one which the average Manitoban can relate to. Jon and the Manitoba Liberal Party are worried about crime, auto theft, environmental degradation in Lake Manitoba and long and continuing to get longer wait times in Manitoba Hospitals. Dr. Gerrard is assembling a great policy team with the likes of Bill Ridgeway and Meryle Lewis in his camp. Dr. Rey Paghktaghan and Pam MacLeod are the Provincial ERC Co-Chairs. Superb young wordsmith Paul Hesse has just joined on as Liberal Candidate in Fort Rouge, Wayne Helgeson, social activist and academic, is a hugely strong candidate in the Inner City, Karen Keppler (hope I am spelling that right) is very big in Selkirk and Dr. Chris Hildahl is expected to come in big in Fort Garry. Dr. Gerrard with his wife Naomi firmly at his side work tirelessly to bring a regal liberal presence to as many events as they can and their work ethic is infectious. The Liberal Dream of 14 big urban riding's is achievable and, as Jon has stated, this could be like the Ontario Election of 1995 Mike Harris where the shift goes to the seasoned leader whom differentiates himself effectively with a down to earth platform. Jon and his team of Manitoba Liberals continue to raise money and fight to maintain and ensure Liberal values are instilled in the Legislature of Manitoba. I fully support his battle and will ensure his voice is heard whenever and however I can. As Co-Chair of the AGM for Liberal Party of Canada (Manitoba) he and his candidates have always been and will always be supported as part of the Liberal family. I encourage all Manitobans to support the Manitoba Liberal Team led by Dr. Jon Gerrard. Dr. Jon Gerrard is the best choice to be the next Premier of Manitoba.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Working Cooperatively

Having just travelled the Province of Manitoba with Martha Hall Findlay and being the Co-Chair of the Annual General Meeting of the Liberal Party of Canada (Manitoba) I have had the unique pleasure of seeing people in action, watching as our party in Manitoba comes together from the Leadership Process and discerning between what some have called the "princesses" from the "worker bees". I have to tell you for the most part the "down-to-earth-card-carrying-Liberal" want a definite change from the past practise of "no-holds-barred-take-no-prisoners approach" of politics in the Chretien vs Martin/Rock vs Martin years. I also hear from our Manitoba Liberals that they want people to work together and unite to defend and protect our liberal cause together cooperatively. I am an idealist and think the best of people and look to the positive rather than the less than positive. I also realize there are those, although few in numbers, that are still marred in the practises of the past. They just don't get it that in the Post- Gomery era that former ingrained "culture of entitlement to position and status" just is not applicable. A steep learning curve to say the least. I admire and respect the strong leadership here in Manitoba under LPC(M) President Sharon MacArthur and Caucus Chair Ray Simard to bring all the divergent camps and factions together. I also congratulate our new Leader Stephane Dion and his approach with the Outreach Tour and having Martha get out and listen to what the country is saying pollster can even come close to that type of cultivation and recruitment. The task of reconciliation and renewal is not an easy one but a needed one. I for one hope the "warriors of the past" understand their expected new roles and responsibilities and more specifically that "bitchers and complainers from the cheap seats" are no longer wanted in the new liberal culture of renewal and revival. I think the Liberal Party of Canada (Manitoba) can keep this new course but only with proper leadership.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Murray Downing and Andrew Dennis - Rural Canada's Answer to the Liberal Challenge!

Todays Browners Bouquet goes to two fine gentleman by the names of Murray Downing and Andrew Dennis. These two together single handily managed two Federal Campaigns, raised funds for the Liberal Association and kept the Liberal flag flying high in the most desolate of Liberal areas the Wheat City. They ran their family farms, volunteered in their respective communities and still managed to keep the Brandon Souris Liberal association in the black. Huge compliments to their organizational skills and their ability to get the job done. As with most Liberal Association's their are always divergent camps where people are sensitive to others and healthy egos restrain rather than engage efforts. To be successful all the camps must galvanize their efforts at the proper nemesis - the Reform/Alliance/Conservative party. Murray and Andrew with his Liberal logo on his half ton have done this, they continue to do this and I far one, say keep her up boys !!! The did a superb job organizing the Liberal Party of Canada National Outreach Tour and deserve credit for a job well done. If only we could bottle their energy and commitment in the other 145 Rural Ridings..

Thursday, February 15, 2007

A Fitting Farewell to Two Brave Souls !!

A very,very sad day for Winnipeg and its long history of brave firefighters. With the tragic deaths of two Fire Brigade Captains, men in charge, it really brings home how are society protects those who protect us from harm. Firefighters, like police and emergency medical personnel, are at the front line of saving lives when anyone of them are tragically taken it really hits home. The aftermath of how do we punish the perpetrators of such wrong doing? Should we hang them such as with the intentional and malicious taking of human life Saddam did? Should we send them to a life behind bars with no chance of parole? Or in the unintended yet careless neglect of property should society see that they are placed on probation, as some have suggested? The argument gets deeper as it has come out that the blaze which claimed the life of the Captains was caused by smokers and their poor choice of putting out their ashes. Tragedy upon tragedy with human life being taken through human error. One thing is for sure the presence of the Federal Liberal Leader in paying respect to the families was a very decent human action and is applauded as the kind of positive leadership we need more of. The punishment for the smokers ? ..well the jury is out but I for one think some serious consequences should be administered. You can hear the heart felt, gut wrenching song, written and preformed at the Public Memorial, by their Fellow Firefighter by simply going to the link on my page at 92 CITI. Incidentally, Cosmo the Calgary Liberal and Afternoon Drive Guy is the one who interviewed the Firefighter and recorded the song live in 92 CITI studios.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Martha Rocks and Senator Maria Chaput has real pizzazz

Martha Hall Findlay and the Liberal Party of Canada's Outreach Tour has been a HUGE success in the Province of Manitoba and right across the West. People from all walks of life have attended and provided eloquent and well thought out positions on everything from the Wheat Board to the Youth Criminal Justice Act. Every where the gal goes people love her and her approach to bringing in new ideas and changing the way we do politics. On the Manitoba Tour where she had the full fledged support of Caucus and with Sen Zimmer and Sen Maria Chaput along for the ride and Senator Carstairs and Raymond Simard MP for Sainte Boniface providing logistical support she was simply fantastic. I gotta to tell you whomever thinks the Liberal cause is not vibrant in Manitoba had better do a gut check at the door. Big turnouts in Brandon and Winnipeg indicate to me that our liberal fortunes are rising and that things can and will change. The really neat thing are women in particular are becoming engaged and excited about the Liberal party and Martha in a leadership role- great stuff. I really enjoyed meeting and getting to know Maria Chaput she is awesome and is doing a great job helping involve the french speaking Canadians. We are fortunate to have her in Caucus and helping Monsieur Dion.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Atikokan needs your help to be Hockeyville 2007!!!

Atikokan finished in the Top 10 last year Hockeyville with the help of the Mayor (my dad) and Liberal MP Ken Boshcoff they want to changed that this year BUT we need your help !!! Incidentally when you watch the video (scroll down the Hockeyville website on the right until you find Atikokan's Video) the second male adult skater in the Green and Gold Atikokan Voyageurs sweater with black helmet and visor is in fact the Mayor still playing hockey at his age (well over 60)!!!

Hockeyville - How It Works,
Prize and Voting Summary
2 different prize categories as follows:
1 Merit prizes:
Canadians view entries on line at here between February 5 and 23
Canadians can vote on-line only during this time for communities they feel best exemplify Fun, Family, Fitness, Food, or Fairness - Hockeyville web site describes each category and associated prizes.
There are 5 separate prizes (one for each Merit category). A community can only win one Merit prize, but a community can win both a MERIT prize, and the Grand Prize.
The winners of the 5 Merit prizes will be announced on February 28, 2007.

2 Grand Prize Kraft Hockeyville 2007:
In-house panel will choose 10 finalists (one from each region plus 5 random) between January 22 and February 23- Atikokan made Top 10 last year but this year we want it ALL !!!
Selection will be based on Community spirit, Enthusiasm, Originality, Creativity
The team leader will find out by courier on or before February 24th if their team has advanced
These top 10 finalists will be highlighted on 'Kraft Hockeyville on CBC' on March 4th
Voting for this stage can be done online or by phone number available on Kraft Hockeyville website.
Canadians can vote for their favourite community from these 10 finalists online or by phone between March 4th and 9th
Top 5 finalists will be announced on Hockey Night in Canada (HNIC) on March 10th
Canadians can vote for their favourite community from these 5 finalists online or by phone between March 10th to 16th
Winner of Kraft Hockeyville 2007 will be announced on HNIC on March 17th.


Saturday, February 3, 2007

Issues, Solutions and the (first of many to come) Political Play of the Week in Manitoba

For the most part this blog has spoken to people and organization - in my view the most effective aspect of politics.Well growth is occuring and from time to time I will start analyzing some policy issues and provides some of my ideas for solving them. I will also start to delve into practical applications of politics and their use in the public domain. Today's issue is law and order. For the most part the puritanical, pious attitude of the Conservative ideology has "won" in this area with Canadians. Conservatives stand tall in the saddle and throw the book at the criminal. They create the criminal and point out that person as the reason all things are evil in society. This hot button, ass backwards positioning wins votes and creates policy people can see. It buys into the "needs" of Canadians and a primary one being to feel safe and secure in their own homes and communites. The present Reform/Alliance crew headed by Vic Toews has postured that they want to change the age of criminal responsibility to 10 and some in their midst suggest 8. This is just ludicrous. Now I will not say that the Liberals and our traditional ideology of community involvement and more involvement of the family and support networks as part of the judicial process (Young Offenders Act and Youth Criminal Justice Act) is flawless. The underlying principle is that poverty, unemployment , the imbalance of power and wealth and other systemic dilemmas are preceptors to bad behaviour and there is NOT just one specific reason. There are flaws to this approach but it addresses the fundamental differences between Conservative and Liberal policy - people. My point is this - should we, as a society, take an 8 year old child who makes a bad choice he/she saw on television or the net label them a criminal, put him/her through the court process take control of the child from their parents or child development agencies and then EXPECT them to be contributing members of society magically at the age of 18? The Reform /Alliance crew says yes - they need to feel the pain of punishment. I hope that we as Liberals say NO there is a better way of discipline and family supports that creates a better person and not simply a label into bad behaviour.
Political Play of the Week
Once a week I am going to start looking over the Manitoba Political landscape and describing a situation where the political process and substance of policy created a good decision. This week the posturing of the NDP accentuated where they are just not good at either. Mayor Katz and his EPC cohorts have been having trouble making some tough choices at tightening the belt at City Hall. You may recall in past blogs I have given kudos to Sam, his Chief Ryan Craig, his policy bonk Bryan Gray and their team. Well this week my good buddy Gord Steeves showed why he is who he is. Elmwood - East Kildonan Councillor Lillian Thomas cried victim to whatever media outlet would listen that "her" Community Centre was being closed. NDP Jim Malloway got into the picture and they heated up the closing with TV ads and letters to the editor and other public outcry's creating a confrontation with Mayor Katz and his EPC Committee Chair Gord Steeves. Lillian and her Dippers did not tell the public only once in the past 3 years (I believe the stat was) that the community centre board had a quorum of people to run the business of the community centre. Lillian failed to state that volunteerism is just not alive in her end of the City so the City has to make some closure. The EPC voted to close the Community Centre based on this as well as other factors such as population and use. Good policy with a 1 year lead time on the closure. It comes to D-Day and (Elmwood) Kelvin Community Centre gets the axe. Then the NDP react, not before in the past year by inspiring volunteers, but after the fact crying victim and taking a "poor me" stance. Shame on you Lilian and Jim. Community centres are built for communities not for individuals and survive on the backs of mom, dads and families of volunteers. If not used then there is change needed and I for one want better roads and streets. Gord took the message to the Elmwood Community and in the process was the target of personal attacks by some disturbed community members. At the end of the day his message on behalf of the 675, 00 taxpayers of the City of Winnipeg "where are your volunteers?" The community members as well as Lillian and Malloway are silent to that question. Later in the week Lillian and her pal Harry Lazarenko then gang up on Gordie and take a run at a zoning problem for Tim Horton's in his riding while he is away on City business. Gord knows how to get things done I for one support Gord and give him the political play of the week !!!