Thursday, April 26, 2007

Marvin Krawec - Next Liberal MLA for Portage!!

In doing my business this morning I came across three seasoned Liberal foot soldiers - Shawn Rawlings, Jean Roy and Marvin Krawec. They informed me of the best Liberal news I have heard in years ...Marvin Krawec is running for the Provincial Liberals. Marvin and I go back to the 80's and he is a man of honour, dignity and intelligence that will serve the voters of Portage la Prairie well. He is Gerrard Kennedy's Uncle and was the driving force behind Gerrard's success her in Manitoba. Marvin has been involved with Liberal Politics all his life and is a retired School Teacher whom was popular with his students. He is a strong member of the Dr.Gerrard's team and adds a big boost to Liberal fortunes in Manitoba. Portage was a Liberal bastion under Gordon Johnston withstanding PC and NDP Government in the late 60's and through the 70's. Past candidates Helen Christofferson, David Quinn and Hugh Moran have all had very good showings and with Ian MacKenzie no longer Mayor and capable of supplying support you will see good things come from Marvin's Team.

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