Monday, March 19, 2007

What about Manitoba? What about North Western Ontario? What about the GST cut?

The Budget, biggest spending budget in Canadian history brought lots of talk about Saskatchewan and lots of talk about Energy and the Environment but no action on the degradation on Lake Winnipeg. What about the East West Power grid? The Trans Canada Highway and putting more money into a Western Canada Transportation System? Billions spent on the Environmental Initiatives but no numbers or thresholds to meet just rhetoric. What about the Farmers no real incentives for Agri-Business? Northern Ontario and BC are still reeling hard from the Soft Wood Tariff and the Tories capitulation on the 5.2 billion in Canadian Dollars the Americans have taken and not replaced? Kenora has lost 20% of their population any insight to help? what has Flatfooted Flaherty done?
What about the GST cut promised in the Election?. On all counts nothing.
Jimmy boy forget the 800 dollar Easton skates for your son and look at getting some old loafers out and get back to what Canadians want and need- A Liberal Government.

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