Thursday, March 15, 2007

Martha Rocks and Now Stands for the LPC !!!

Huge kudos to the Liberals of Willowdale who have asked and been delivered the best, yes I will use the word "best" in describing Martha, Liberal Candidate our country and liberal cause can offer to their riding. To have the Liberal Association, one which has a vibrant and well respected Liberal Executive, ask the Leader and be granted a specific candidate is unheard of. Martha is enterprising, entrepreneurial, an exciting speaker, engaging conversationalist and has a casual, comfortable approach when dealing with people. She can debate and discuss the issues of importance with persons of all races, creeds, religious denominations and genders. She will serve the Constituents of Willowdale well and the only question remaining is when do we from Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario have the privilege of going door to door to share Martha's message of hope and optimism with the Constituents of Willowdale.
Congrats Stephane Dion for doing what a Leader should - know his/her people and understanding and play to their strengths. You have strengthened your Liberal Team significantly with the Appointment of Martha Hall Findlay.


Steve V said...

Because of all the attributes you attach to Martha, I think we really missed a chance to pickup a seat. I see the appointment as a waste of talent, she could win almost anywhere, the defacto woman leader of the party. You don't play it safe with talent like that in my view.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry, Steve. Martha needs to be in the House of the Commons first.

If Martha can win almost anywhere, than why not put her head to head against a Conservative Cabinet Minister Van Loan, Guergis, Clement, or Flaherty? A win in these ridings would make her de-facto the next Liberal leader of Canada.

Steve V said...

She could beat those first two. I'm suggesting anything crazy, but why not have Martha in a marginal riding that we could pickup, instead of a coronation. If you have an asset, use it to best effect. The media piece I read on this appointment described it as a "plum post", hardly inspiring. Playing it safe is the wrong strategy IMHO.

Browners Blog said...

I am with mushroom here we needed her in 2004 we should have had her in 2006 and now quite simply we have to have her in the next House. Her work on policy, her take "one for the team" in the peformance and her ability to inspire others most particularly quality young women are ALL areas where we, as a Liberal Party, have been lacking. Having her in the House engaging and diminsishing any Tory position will end your pessimism Steve.

Anonymous said...

Happy Martha's running.
Still wish Gerard Kennedy, as a "westerner", would have gone for a Winnipeg seat.

Browners Blog said...

Westmount, I would have loved to have Gerrard's fire, intensity and sure handed approach to politics in the Peg but don't you think if he did not run in his old Ontario seat there would have been questions? As you know the Ontario Provincial and Federal Ridings are the same. On Ontario ridings would you not love for Buffalo Bob to run against Chow or Layton to really set the Liberal Record(of course ONLY if Tony and Dennis are calling it quits)?

Browners Blog said...

Westmount, I would have loved to have Gerrard's fire, intensity and sure handed approach to politics in the Peg but don't you think if he did not run in his old Ontario seat there would have been questions? As you know the Ontario Provincial and Federal Ridings are the same. On Ontario ridings would you not love for Buffalo Bob to run against Chow or Layton to really set the Liberal Record(of course ONLY if Tony and Dennis are calling it quits)?