Monday, August 6, 2007

Canadian Wheat Board - where are are we?

The recent strike down by the Supreme Court of Canada of the Reform/Alliance/ Conservative attempt to remove the Barley Monopoly of the CWB was met with what Liberal opposition? Strangely not a whisper from the Leader, our Critics or even our Western MP's on the Liberal response to the Courts ruling. I find this concerning as the CWB had the potential to bring us back to the Polls but no "stop this or else" ultimatums from the Liberal ranks only media pundits inferring what Liberal policy is. Even the Winnipeg Free Press did not pick up on our Leaders position which he firmly advocated in March 2007 here in Winnipeg at the LPC(M) AGM that he would do everything possible to protect the CWB. We need swift and decisive action to STOP the Reform/Alliance/Conservatives and regain some much needed ground with not only Western farmers but Quebec and Ontario Farmers concerned over marketing boards and their role in Canada's Agriculture policy. Lets get back to the basic Liberal principles of respect, cooperation and working together and begin the campaign to "Bring Back Canada" from the Reform/Alliance/Conservatives and their American based right wing philosophy. We have seen this on Foreign policy, we have sen this on Defence policy, we have seen this on the environment and now we are seeing it on our Wheat Board. Stop Harper now !!


A Eliz. said...

Go to, open...hit "read more"
-- on the next page look for it on the right- hand side.
They say this, but why do they not give it to the media?

wilson said...

This is what he said: News Staff
Dec 6, 2006
'Stephane Dion stood alongside his agriculture critic and the outgoing CEO of the Canadian Wheat Board and pledged that if he becomes prime minister he will reverse any decision by the Conservative government to dismantle the Canadian Wheat Board.'

Browners Blog said...

Thanks flizt and wilson ...was there when Our Leader spoke to the policy just concerned we are not going full out to promote and position ourselves stronger on the matter of the CWB!!

PITT said...

Why do Ontario and Quebec farmers have the right to sell their wheat wherever they want and Manitoba and Saskatchewan farmers have to send theirs to the wheat board ?

Doesn't seem fair to me.