Sunday, February 18, 2007

Murray Downing and Andrew Dennis - Rural Canada's Answer to the Liberal Challenge!

Todays Browners Bouquet goes to two fine gentleman by the names of Murray Downing and Andrew Dennis. These two together single handily managed two Federal Campaigns, raised funds for the Liberal Association and kept the Liberal flag flying high in the most desolate of Liberal areas the Wheat City. They ran their family farms, volunteered in their respective communities and still managed to keep the Brandon Souris Liberal association in the black. Huge compliments to their organizational skills and their ability to get the job done. As with most Liberal Association's their are always divergent camps where people are sensitive to others and healthy egos restrain rather than engage efforts. To be successful all the camps must galvanize their efforts at the proper nemesis - the Reform/Alliance/Conservative party. Murray and Andrew with his Liberal logo on his half ton have done this, they continue to do this and I far one, say keep her up boys !!! The did a superb job organizing the Liberal Party of Canada National Outreach Tour and deserve credit for a job well done. If only we could bottle their energy and commitment in the other 145 Rural Ridings..

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