Saturday, June 23, 2007

Summer Hi Jinx

It seems everyone and there dog is having fundraisers and bringing people together. On the Winnipeg Municipal Front "up and comer" and real "go-getter" City Hall St.James Councillor Scott Fielding has released a sure winner report with The Economic Opportunities Commission Report . Mayor Sam and his pledge to get rid of the business tax is going to be a reality. A lot of out of the box recommendations by the right wing panelists but with Scotts shepherding this could go somewhere. Too many times has Adrien Batra tried to snivel her way into the Premiers Office.
On the Federal Front - ByElections in Willowdale and Toronto Centre would really help shape the renewed Liberal team. Lots of bluster out of Prime Minister Harper and his Reform/Alliance/CPC party on Senate Reform sounding more and more like Mulroney of the 90's and less of the Reform Populist he came into Ottawa as. Watch for some draconian changes to Senate and the Environmental agenda.


canuckistanian said...

yeah, selling off municipal assets like parks and recreation centres in order to cut the business tax (which is lower than most other cities) is a "sure winner"; a real brilliant idea. as a letter to the editor recently said: "too bad these geniuses aren't running municipal affairs in rome, they could sell the colliseum and turn it into condos". ah, if only forrest gump were running the mayor's office...than we might have some intelligent policies being proposed.

Browners Blog said...

nice of you to look at the apects that they will NOT be pursuing what about the ones that they will? the busines tax being removed is the brightest idea and needs to be pruursued. If you have followed the present City Council and the dynamic Councillors especially the new guys and gals Fielding, Nordman and Leipsic they have no intention of selling off rec centres those were ideas brought forward by presenters. Reports of this nature are discussion paradyms designed to create dialogue towards positive solutions and that is what Sam and his Council are trying to do. With pessimists like you, entrenched in always finding the negative, no wonder the NDP get relected Provincially!