Thursday, September 6, 2007

Bio Energy Research for Atikokan

After a significant amount of time, lobbying and a concerted team effort from the Municipal, Provincial and Federal Government the Bio Energy Research Centre as part of the Ontario Centres of Excellence has finally been announced for Atikokan, Ontario. It is indeed a good news day for the community and speaks to their leadership and perseverance. I am proud to say my father, Dennis, the Mayor played a major role in insuring the voice of Atikokanites were heard. He worked diligently to penetrate Ministers Offices, kept on both MPP and MP out of Thunder Bay and helped build a community effort to replace the Coal Fired Generating station. Ironic on the day of the announcement 220,000 people are out of power in California and 27 have died from heat exposure. With every closed door another opens? Brings to question Kyoto and the Environmental Agenda of Canada and how a big impact we actually have. It seems asinine that the workers of Northwestern Ontario pay such a hefty price when other countries in the Far East pollute our environment at such an alarming rate and many have yet to sign on to Kyoto. Where is the social justice?

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