Friday, February 2, 2007

These are the best of times ?!

An interesting week with lots unfolding in 5 days. Rita Bourgeois has been named Co-Chair with me for the Liberal AGM and I an ecstatic about that - she is a great gal with real fire. Her energy combined with the collective will and knowledge on the Committee makes this years AGM even stronger. She will be my third Co-Chair and each person has had their own strengths. I have found with my time in politics it takes all sorts to make the world go round - from the mundane introverts to the bombastic extravert's and the thought provoking pensive types - a healthy dose of difference helps nourish the decision making and if properly channelled works well. I look forward with great anticipation to this years AGM. The change and fluidity in the Committee has made think I need to step back and smell the roses appreciate the journey and not just the end results. I am fortunate to have good friends and supporters that remind me of this - even in ways I may not appreciate at the time but later, in the wee hours of the morning, put a smile on my face and let me say to myself "Darren, my boy, you need to stop and think !"

Martha Outreach Tour here in Manitoba is evolving wonderfully with a diverse assortment of presentations in place and still more coming day by day. Lots of positive response and the support of Caucus, the Party and the Leaders Office makes the journey even more worthwhile. I like people, that is no secret, but I tell you seeing the liberal cause and effort in action and hearing what people think about our great nation is inspiring. I have been fortunate to meet so many. Seeing them in life and listening to whom they are, empathizing in what they believe in and appreciating how others think the world should change is ..well.. CANADIAN.

The Leafs are on a roll and they are looking like a team destined for the CUP !!!

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