Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Dion and Liberal Futures

Well a very thought provoking analysis by our good friend in DC the high finance of DC has in fact not tainted his love of life and people and the true Canadian compassion, understanding and appreciation for the world community !! Having said that a few items are unstated in his analysis of the Liberal Party and the future course for our new leader, our 3rd from Quebec, Stephane Dion. The entrenchment of the establishment ( a use the term for the loosely nit fabric within the Liberal party containing both intelligentsia, donors and post 1968 organizers) and their influence is no longer a comfort we can take for granted. This is particularly obvious in the Prairies where Alberta Derek Raymaker, Saskatchewan Ralph Goodale and Manitoba Lloyd Axworthy all were defeated. This is astounding and an important change for the Liberal Party of Canada. I will speak more so to The Prairies and Northwestern Ontario as these are areas were I have literally the same hundreds of conversations than to the East and BC. The NWO Prairies Region in effect has an in consequential establishment and today, 2007, not only need but demand that a systemic change/overhaul take place in fundraising, organization, communication, policy development and recruitment. No easy task for an organization as old, clearly branded and well respected as the Liberal Party of Canada - but possible. I Will simplify my concerns into what I feel is the first line challenge - the new age manner in which we as a party approach this overhaul. I mean do we simply revert into the past practises and replace the Provincial Lieutenants with new ones OR do we apply a best practises 21st century model and create stronger, divergent committees complete with discussion and dialogue and which are based on an inclusion model which integrates not only the varying riding associations but also the new constituencies of 21st century and the global economy of the 21st century. All bets are off as to which model will be assumed. Divisions, strong, exist and the need to be properly dissect and heal these wounds is necessary and we must respect our history before we can chart a new future. When we move boldly forward I for one hope to be apart of the changes.I will also address one other movement which was identified in the original blog - Martha Hall Findlay move to Dion Saturday morning. This move not only was the "king maker" but one which Martha, I feel, made with considerable input and with her own biase clearly in tact. She made that move because of a leadership process that placed the candidates in a bubble bringing the full menu of personal characteristics of each candidate. Martha honed her instincts through that process and she applied her life ling and very much worldly understanding on people and situations. A learning curve none of us has had the pleasure of going through but one which very much has changed the complexion of the Liberal party.The honeymoon on new leader if we consider Turner , Chretien and Martin is roughly 6 months before the back benchers OR the more myopic MPs start choosing their futures..I only hope in that 6 months we have a strong enough network of ERC's across the 13 Provinces and territories.

My challenge to myself and my colleagues of which I enjoy pursuing the grander notions of life, love and liberty is how do we get to where we want to go?

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