Sunday, September 23, 2007

Zest for Power

The recent fine of 750,000 and 1 draft pick to the New England Patriots of the NFL brings to mind one phrase - zest for power! The fact that their Head Coach one of the cunningest coaches ever has done something that is widely accepted as common practise is rather disconcerting. Have we sunk that low that we have to break the rules to win? Is there no "arena of integrity" which dictates we must apply ourselves to a set of common goals and interests? Or have we ( I have loosely aligned our Canadian society with American society) gone so far that we will stop at nothing to win?
I sincerely hope not.
I have always operated under the premises that we respect our fellow human being and the set of common norms, mores and attitudes that comes with being a contributing member of society. This zest which Head Coach Bill Belichek showed is disconcerting not only in the manner it was brought about but also the blatant lack of remorse which the Patriots Head Coach accepted responsibility.
I believe that there is a higher standard of conduct expected from "winners" and "rubbing the salt in the wounds" or breaking the rules is not part of this standard of conduct.
Shame on you Bill!!!!


MB junkie said...

How do you know what the Pats were caught doing wasn't also being done by other teams? People who are as critical as you were in your post are often people who don't know football....come to think of it, most people who vote Liberal often don't know anything about politics either.

By the way, majority of the NFL coaching fraternity were not wanting to comment on the situation afterwards. What went on is more widespread than you think.

Browners Blog said...

MB junkie
Integrity in pro sports filters down to our children and the amateur level having a devasting effect upon our society. Cheating is not now or will ever be acceptable ..period!!! Know the rules - play by the rules and ALL will be fair and just in the world