Sunday, August 12, 2007

Fox News Factor...whaaattt?

Watching CNN this morning I saw a poll that stated 76% of Americans whom watch Fox News do not trust American politicians while ONLY 36% of Americans who do NOT watch Fox News do not trust American politicians. Is the American Public that brainwashed by the Right Wing Fanatics at Fox? Is there no freedom of thought, belief and expression of those beliefs? I know Don Cherry wields a heavy influence especially on younger Canadian hockey fans but do we also have a such a myopic and shallow view of our world that our CBC dictates Canadian viewpoint? Kind of scary especially in our wired world where information is at our fingertips in a nano-second. I for one am glad we have the blogsphere, internet, news services and facebook to cultivate and appreciate other points of view.


Oldschool said...

The numbers from Fox news seem to corellate almost exactly with the approval rating of the Dimmocrat Congress 24%. Fox is not the CBC . . . that is why people watch it. Perhaps you can not tell the difference between news and editorials!
Fox has a much larger viewership than CNN, so this means the folks watching Fox are not so bright??? This is nonsense, so common with the touchey-feeley socialist/lib folks, or maybe you watch too much CBC!!!

Anonymous said...

Fox's viewership has shrunk over the past few years, and while I do think the average daily viewership is still higher than CNN's, it is hardly "much higger."

Perhaps a bit of perspective is needed - here is a link to an analysis FAIR (fairness and accuracy in reporting) did in 2004:

If I find something more recent than 2004, I'll post it as well. I do know I have read that Fox's viewership has fallen over the past 2 to 3 years (corresponding in many ways with Bush's falling approval.

Old School might want to also drill a bit deeper on the approval of congress - more specifically look at the approval of Democratic members versus their Republican counterparts.

The "old school" must not have taught him the US has only one congress, which happens to have both Democratic and Republican members.

In a nutshell, while no one is raving on any aspect of the US government these days (prez included), the Democratic members of Congress get much better ratings than their Republican counterparts.

Lastly, no one could ever possibly confuse the quality programming at CBC for the republican talking points of the day at Fox so no need to argue that one.

Browners Blog said...

Thanks old school and joseph for the comments to answer your questions I prefer CTV and Global to CBC here in Winnipeg but do not watch TV as much listen to 92 CITI News with Joe Aiello and Cosmo on the Drive ..informative and broad brushed for REAL news I usually head to the blogs or canoe.
Joseph I would agree CBC is far superior.