Sunday, February 11, 2007

Martha Rocks and Senator Maria Chaput has real pizzazz

Martha Hall Findlay and the Liberal Party of Canada's Outreach Tour has been a HUGE success in the Province of Manitoba and right across the West. People from all walks of life have attended and provided eloquent and well thought out positions on everything from the Wheat Board to the Youth Criminal Justice Act. Every where the gal goes people love her and her approach to bringing in new ideas and changing the way we do politics. On the Manitoba Tour where she had the full fledged support of Caucus and with Sen Zimmer and Sen Maria Chaput along for the ride and Senator Carstairs and Raymond Simard MP for Sainte Boniface providing logistical support she was simply fantastic. I gotta to tell you whomever thinks the Liberal cause is not vibrant in Manitoba had better do a gut check at the door. Big turnouts in Brandon and Winnipeg indicate to me that our liberal fortunes are rising and that things can and will change. The really neat thing are women in particular are becoming engaged and excited about the Liberal party and Martha in a leadership role- great stuff. I really enjoyed meeting and getting to know Maria Chaput she is awesome and is doing a great job helping involve the french speaking Canadians. We are fortunate to have her in Caucus and helping Monsieur Dion.


Greater Toronto Grit said...

You have got to be joking.

Martha bringing change to politics? She couldn't move her ass from her chair to call in thank yous during her leadership bid.

She is a self absorbed opportunist and the only thing that can be contributed to this "success" are the grass roots organisers that poured in hours of effort ahead of the queen's arrival.

The idea is good, the response is great, but in no way is this is a successful Martha operation, as Martha+success is a pipe dream only the foolish can even begin to fantasize of.

Lets get some real women in the party, and drop these dead weight token MP's. I would be disgraced to be represented by this women here in Toronto Centre, and I know many others that share that sediment.

Browners Blog said...

Well there GTA, where have you been the past 6 months? have you had your head stuck in old school all your life or just this past 6 month? you have really pardon the pun missed the "bus". Post Gomery the Liberal Party is changing and under the new leader Stephane Dion WE will change the complexion and substance of the party. You are wrong on the facts of her leadership. I know because I was a part of her team she worked 24-7-365 to make it happen. She brought in supporter after supporter without old school tactics. She did not rest EVER in the time I have seen and talked with her. She is no token and for you to even insinuate that is abhorently WRONG. I hope she does run in Centre I know .oh about 1,000 people that will be there in full force to volunteer on that campaign.
get a gut check and keep your ego in the past there GTA Grit.

Greater Toronto Grit said...

I might have seen you around the office a few times then, and I can assure you.. anything that happened on that campaign was not only a battle against odds for a fringe candidate, but against the candidate herself.

Maybe its time you took your head out of your ass and really took the opportunity to see what kind of woman you're sticking up for here.

The horror stories I could tell that volunteers such as yourself would never see behind closed doors would really turn that impression of yours around.

Browners Blog said...

Okay , Jason, you say you are a student - how old? I am pretty much what you see is what you kinda guy . I am 41 I have been at this since I was 16. Martha is far from fringe and is leading Outreach for the Liberal Party of Canada so getover the past and look to where we as a party are headed with her leading the way. I don't need your version I SAW it for myself and no I did not work in the Toronto office I organized her Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario Campaign so I had updates regularly on the progress in the Central Campaign. At the end of the day look at what happened and how she is igniting our party forward- proof is in the results there jason. Politics is about results and she delivers. On you and your chice of scope for blogging and use of words, why do you want to look at the shady side of politics and not the positive more open and transparent processes such as orgnization? behind close door deals are over and engagement and honesty are the future my liberal friend

Greater Toronto Grit said...

I would continue this further, but you have already displayed that you're not at all knowledgeable about the inner workings of any political party.

And yes, Martha was a fringe candidate(more like a comical note) in the leadership election.

And its nice that central campaign sent you those bullshit morale boosting spam e-mails, but seriously.. its time to stop living in the fantasy world.

Inner workings are everywhere and always will be. Martha was/is/never will be a good politician. And I can't wait for these hard realities to smack you in the mouth.

Don't lose your illusion, its a very grizzling process when you actually see things for what they are.

Greater Toronto Grit said...

All Martha issues aside though, for the most part your blog is a good read especialy considering I don't know many in the alberta area and your writing style is easy on the eyes.

Martha is a hot button for me and I hope this wasn't taken personally, if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to link to your blog from mine.

Browners Blog said...

My largest political activity has been in Manitoba and Northwestern Ontyario ..not Alberta..No problem with the utilize strong words you may want to look at that as we are one liberal community and need cooperation as a guide not a word. I have been in nominations, campaigns, party elections and leadership processes so don't thjnk you can speak to my experiences I have more than you ..I know this. Specifically, outside of being the National Camapign Managers I have done everything on campaigning. I am of the opinion working and doing is far better than just talking about it. So I understand the under side of politics exists but ..and I need to emphasis this I DO NOT OPERATE on that "no holds barred take no prisoners approach under belly that you speak to". I am the "respect and openess" view and pride myself in always thinking the best on people and try to work in a team, cooperatively. Now I know the shit you speak to exists and my take does not always work but I still insist on giving everyone the opportunity as I believe if given the chance a person will make the right choice.

Curls said...

The Liberals are the party of Adscam. Dion was brought in by Chretien to salvage the Liberal Kaybec mess. He has been around the Liberal caucus for over 12 years. Where is the newness. He has no policies, no presence, no nothing. After all he was in the group of 10 2nd, 3rd and 4th rate leadership candidates that the Liberals were able to get to run.

Greater Toronto Grit said...

So because I am a student you assume I do not have comparable campaign experience?

You shouldn't be so quick to write me off, it would definately shock you to have a look at my portfolio.

And I apologise, i was sure I had read Alberta.

Browners Blog said...

Ed, there is change and renewal from within and not just newness. First and most important he has designed his team under the pillars of economic prosperity , social justice and environmental sustainability and Canada and the World. Second he is engaging Canadians with an outreach tour. Third he is utilizing the strengths of ALL leadership candidates in one way or another. Fourth the election readiness process is designed around openness and not the posturing. Simply put Stephane Dion, the unique and dynamic manner of his victory, his deep seeded desire and in fact I would go so far to say he needs to for his own personal beliefs and spirit, change and renew the nature of how we do politics and our party works

Browners Blog said...

GT Grit..okay student old and lets hear a little bit about what you have done? my comments were not to judge or qualify you but rather trying to share with you a little on myself. I am all about change and renewal and I hav enjoyed doing most things in politics with door knocking being the most inspiring.