With a new year upon us, the frigid winter wonderland here in Winnipeg has
exacerbated my hope and optimism for the upcoming year. On several levels '07 was a deeply "acted" upon year. In acted I mean I experienced more in a concentrated attempt to renew my spirit and identity as a person. I experienced aspects of life which I had not previously seen or witnessed. I met some great people and realized how "sacred" and "hallowed" the human condition really is and how life is meant to be appreciated and revered and NOT taken for granted. The too often used
adage "life is precious" was felt in a deeper more spiritual manner.
On a professional level, I saw people of consequence and a close friend leave the company I work for. This affected me more than I knew at the time and I continue to wonder why Norm left at the time he did. I am still trying to make sense of that one action. Also, on a professional level, I felt better, became more patient and accepting of organizational shirks and worked in a sweet spot for most of the year. I find I pick less battles and seek a "fair and just" workplace on levels I can enjoy and appreciate with more
concern for me and less about changing the world. I continue to learn and grow and see personal and commercial security as a very
satisfying field of work. I enjoy helping people and the business community in this post 9-11 world we live in.
Politically, my faith in the Liberal Cause was renewed. I took on several decision making tasks including being Chair of a Provincial Liberal
AGM. The AGM was widely accepted as a huge success. The
AGM committee was composed of and I chose people of "worth" and high standards of personal
integrity. I enjoyed worked along side them and the exciting format and sessions were a real treat to be a part of . However, simultaneously, the idealistic
viewpoint I have had of the Liberal Organization here in Manitoba really was tested. The hardened and real jaded edge of some of the people whom I came across in the process of organizing, the "stop-at-nothing-for-power" influences of the past and the lack of a volunteers concerns me. On the same token I can offer no solution other than to
remain a part of the process and
organization at ALL costs.
This suggestion I would put out to ALL like minded Liberals is to stay a part of the liberal
organization and process and by working with others change will come. No easy task or one definitive hard core solution.
At the end of
the day the Liberal challenges are
symptomatic of changes in the Canadian political process as well as in society in general. We, as a society, become less
personal and more reliant on the
medium and not the person to communicate with others. Also
politically I
had the
privilege of working along side Martha Hall Findlay and the Liberal National Outreach Tour. Through the Tour and policy sessions I saw first hand the deep concern, strong opinions and policies of Liberals from across the province. Liberals care and are committed to helping make our world a better place to live, work and play in and are quite prepared to offer policy suggestions. The youthful exuberance of the National Liberal Party fresh off a
rejuvenating Leadership Process was just ...well..."neat" to feel and be a part of. We, as a Party, will become better. I
also went door to door for Marvin
Krawec in Portage la
Praire, Bill Mauro in Thunder Bay
Atikokan -
NWO and Ryan
Androsoff in Saskatoon - Bill with a win of 36 votes Ryan and Marvin with heart felt losses. I found voters in Ontario, Manitoba and Saskatchewan like the Liberal brand but what they they want us to provide a more compelling reason to vote for the Liberal Candidates than the competition. These "liberal reasons" must be found with more than people within the Liberal Party processes but with the Central Canada voting public. Here I think the National Outreach Tour was a good stepping stone which needs to be ingrained in policy and process. Sadly, I
also saw some really practical, cutting edge proposals for change by Liberals fall on deaf ears.
On a personal level 2007 saw me be very introspective choosing to seek personal growth along with change and a deep desire to appreciate my world and my daughter. Patience, acceptance and sharing were areas which I
dwelled upon.. I
also have become more "selective" on whom I have around me and this "discriminating taste"
transcended all aspects of my life -emotional, physical, mental and spiritual. My past mistakes and future desire to enjoy life with a 50/50 soul mate is still strong but the journey is more
impressive than that goal. I enjoy, now more than ever, seeking balance, harmony and clarity in my journey of life. The path of 2007 connected me with my start and my future more than I think I know right now. Kinda of reassuring and nourishing to be aware of.
I will end this short capsule of Darren Brown '07's path with a wish of good life and prosperous future to ALL my fellow